The Birch Factory
The Birch Factory believes in nature’s products and realizes the energy it possesses. By investigating and challenging the raw materials of nature we are able to create better living conditions for those who believe – as we do – that nature is our most powerful resource when it comes to health and a healthy way of living.
The Birch Factory is a Danish company harvesting, manufacturing and selling products related with the birch trees in Taiga forests of Finland and Lithuania.
The Birch Factory supplies:
• Organic birch water in different packages
• Organic birch syrup
• Microcosm
• Fresh mouth xylitol tablets • Tonic water
Organic birch water key biological benefits:
• Optimized hydration of cells is Nature’s intent to revitalize the tree in the spring.
• Isotonic balance via natural micronutrients, electrolytes, minerals and amino acids.
Organic birch water to revitalize and regenerate the body:
• Daily isotonic hydration stimulates wellness for the entire human body
• Brain hydration to reduce fatigue
• Revitalizing ‘pick me up’ in the afternoons
• Refreshing BIRK-Tinis on the weekends
Only Nature can create an isotonic hydration drink that keeps intracellular and extracellular water contents in balance and together with rapid absorption into the body due to micronutrients, birch water can provide the most energy, strength and health. Birch water has been associated with benefits across a number of indications such as autoim- mune disorders. In many cases, including the well-being of cancer patients during treatment, the observed relieve in- dicates a possible relationship to its hydration capacity.